COVID-19 Resources in California
Financial Support for Single Moms In California during COVID-19
Millions of single mom workers have lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic and most of them have found themselves in situations where they cannot get access to benefits. The situations have made low single mom workers to experience high unemployment, inadequate resources, and difficulty in accessing government relief. The following Covid-19 resources can support single mothers in need of assistance in California.
United Way of Santa Barbara County Emergency rental assistance
This program provides support to single moms in need of rental assistance i.e. those residing in the unincorporated locations within Barbara County. The support is specifically given to those who have recently loosed their income due to the covid-19 crisis and need rental assistance. Find out more at
One family, Los Angeles
This program offers grants to single moms in need of support in Los Angeles, California. One family LA is a group of community-based organizations that have come together to collectively respond to the rapidly developing covid-19 pandemic. One family LA provides financial assistance on a first-come, first-served basis to single mom headed families residing in Los Angeles, and are experiencing financial constraints due to the pandemic. The goal is for the most affected single moms to get help in prioritizing their financial needs. Find out more at
Napa Valley Community Foundation
The Napa Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund focuses on the health and economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic among single moms in the community. The Napa Valley Foundation also provides the Emergency Financial Assistance program to single mom workers residing within. The assistance is specifically provided to single moms with low income and who are not eligible for the unemployment or paid leave benefits from the government. Learn more about the foundation at
The Workers’ Fund
How does the Workers’ Fund work? Well, the program is primarily funded by donors willing to support single mom workers experiencing economic struggles due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Have you been affected by the pandemic? The program allows single mothers who have been impacted to use the Steady app to apply for emergency financial assistance. The program offers up to $1000 to those qualified for emergency funding. When you receive the fund, you can use it to pay rent, buy food, or spend it on utilities. Find out more at
The National Domestic Workers Alliance established this program to support single mothers working as nannies and house cleaners to help them stay safe during the pandemic. Why is this program important for single mom domestic workers? They spend most of their time caring for those people who are most vulnerable to the Covid-19 pandemic. Because of this, domestic workers may not find it easy to maintain social distancing during the pandemic. So, the funds raised through this program are exclusively used to support single mothers taking care of the most vulnerable people to the pandemic in California. Find out more about Coronavirus Care Fund at
Undocufund San Fransisco
Due to the rapid development of Covid-19, Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California ordered residents to stay at home to reduce the spread of the pandemic. Unfortunately, this left so many undocumented single mothers without any work. Such people do not qualify for unemployment benefits or any other relief to help them survive the situation created by the pandemic. The Undocufund San Fransisco is funded by donations from individuals willing to assist single moms in need. Learn more about the fund at
Immigrant Relief Fund
The Immigrant Relief Fund was created to help single mothers who are undocumented to get through the economic crisis in California. The fund has disbursed over $75 million to over 150,000 single mom headed families in need of financial assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Find out more about the fund at