Housing Assistance in Tennessee
Tennessee is one of the most affordable states to live in. Tennessee is known for its natural beauties but it might get difficult sometimes to live in terms of economic and social conditions. Particularly single mothers may face financial difficulties. They need financial, housing, rental, legal, and utilities assistance to live in a decent and low-cost house in a safe environment. Several federal, state, and local programs provide a number of opportunities for them.
Rental Assistance Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program
This program is funded by the federal government for low and moderate-income residents of Tennessee. Single mothers who require rent support can apply for this program. They can get specific rental assistance based on their total household income. You should keep in mind that there is a long waiting list and you should apply as soon as possible. To get more information, please visit https://www.hud.gov/states/tennessee/renting.
The Restoration House
The Restoration House is a local non-governmental establishment. The mission of this organization is to provide various services for single-parent families. It offers crisis pregnancy shelters, adoption agencies, emergency and temporary shelters for single-parent families. To apply for this service, please visit the link https://therestorationhouse.net/ or call 865 200 5406.
Tennessee Continuum of Care (COC)
Tennessee COC provides housing assistance for individuals and families who are homeless or at the risk of becoming homeless. It is supported by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). COC helps with transitional and permanent housing depending on your specific case.
Eligibility Requirements
- You must be living on the street, shelter, or in an abandoned place.
- You must be a resident of the United States.
- You must be facing foreclosure.
- You must be forced to leave your home.
To apply for Tennessee COC, please follow the link https://www.tn.gov/behavioral-health/housing/continua-of-care.html.
Tennessee Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP is a federally funded program that aims to help low and middle-income individuals with their utility bills. Those searching for energy assistance and wish to increase their energy efficiency can apply to this program. LIHEAP has 19 local agencies that serve all countries. Candidates must prove that their total household income is at or fewer than 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Guideline. For more information, please go to the link https://www.tn.gov/environment/program-areas/energy/events/.
Catholic Charities of Tennessee
Catholic Charities is a very influential non-profit organization. Single mothers who are facing economic problems can get in touch with them to get housing assistance and specific services. For more information, please visit https://www.cctenn.org/index.cfm or by dialing 615 352 3087.
The Samaritan Center
The Samaritan Center statewide social organization provides emergency assistance for low and moderate-income residents. Single mothers who need clothing, furniture, food, utility, health, rent, or shelter support can make a connection with this charity institution. Read more at https://thesamaritancenter.net/ or call 423 238 7777.
Her Faith Ministries
This non-profit housing organization works for homeless single mothers living with their children. The mission of this organization is to make sure that single moms who cannot afford their house or are homeless can live in a decent and secure home. If you are having problems paying your rent or utilities, Her Faith Ministries offers to help with cash support. Clothes Closet is another program aimed to offer gently worn clothes for families who need clothing assistance. To get more information and apply, please contact https://herfaithministries.org/programs or by phone at 901 324 3705.
The Salvation Army
SA is intended to help people in financial need. It has several locations across the state. Single mothers who need financial, rental, or shelter support can consult the nearest Salvation Army office. In addition to these services, it provides help to find a job. Visit https://salvationarmykytn.org/.
Almost Home Transitional Housing
This is a regional social organization funded by the local people and volunteers. This housing service offers emergency household needs and items for low and moderate-income residents. Besides if you need emergency housing support, AHTH offers short-term shelter assistance. It can provide rent and utility support based on your economic situation. You can read more about their programs at http://www.almosthomethp.org/services.html# or dial 931 968 2503.
Shepherd’s Arms Rescue Mission
Shepherd’s Arms Rescue Mission is a statewide organization that provides temporary housing facilities and emergency shelter support for women and children. Single mothers living with or without their children can apply for this benefit. Please visit https://www.shepherdsarms.org/.
Lifeline Service in the State of Tennessee
It is a phone assistance program sponsored by the federal government. Lifeline Program offers monthly discounts on your phone bills based on your household size and total household income. Those residents of Tennessee who have annual household revenue at or under 135 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines can be eligible for this benefit. If you are receiving one of these following benefits from the federal government, you are also qualified to receive this phone assistance.
- Medicaid
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA)
- Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefit
To apply for the Lifeline Program, please go to the link https://www.assurancewireless.com/lifeline-services/states/tennessee-lifeline-free-government-phone-service.