Grants for Single Mothers in Oregon
The challenges of raising children through single parenting can be quite hard, especially when it has to do with single mothers. Most of the times, single mothers live without proper healthcare insurance for both themselves and their children. This is where the Oregon government intervened by providing aid to about 40% of single mothers who are going through tough times. Several different support programs made available by the state government which ranges from food, housing, and medical care assistance to help single others ease their burden and make them more self-sufficient. Those programs are listed below.
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
This is a federal government assistant program designed to target children and working families who are residents of Oregon. This program has been said to be the most effective poverty alleviation program for families with at least three children. Participants of this program can only claim their benefits through work, so when the beneficiary does not owe any tax, they can still claim their full income credit. By the way, the Oregon Earned Income Tax Credit is fully refundable. Unfortunately, the state of Oregon is one of those states that offer the least EITCS and unless it is extended to more residence, it might leave those low-income earners paying high taxes. Click on the online platform for more information.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
This program is designed to offer temporary monetary assistance to families and children who are 18 years of age as well as pregnant women. This is also limited to the families who have very little income. In this program, qualified families are mandated to participate in one of their training programs which will prepare them for future job search. The program guideline also requires the participants to engage in at least 30 hours of work every week. Interested individuals can go ahead and apply for the TANF program through their local DHS self-sufficiency office, or they can as well use the Oregon Helps platform to measure their eligibility.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
This program is designed to help supplement food diets for low-income families, young adults, and single mothers alike. Other targeted individuals include those people on any public assistance program and disabled people. In this program, there is this section of people who are known as the “Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWD)”, those set of people are obligated to work at least 20 hours every week or at an average of 80 hours every month to be eligible for the SNAP program. Participants for this program are to receive the Oregon state’s Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) which is meant to be used in the purchase of food items as well as cash withdrawals directly from the ATM. Interested individuals can Click Here for more information.
State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
Just like the name implies, this program is designed specifically for children. It is a free low-cost health insurance program for all the kids in Oregon that qualify for the program. Eligible children are those that are under 19 years of age and are uninsured. In summary, the eligibility of this program is considered using the income of the child’s family, age, and residency. The services expected from this program include dental, medical, mental health, drug prescription, etc. Families who wish to apply for this program must fit within the 300% FPL, and the single mothers amongst them must be earning less than $16,300 annually. Click here for more information.
Women, Infant, and Children (WIC)
This program can also be seen in other states in the country; the program is designed to provide nutritious food supplements, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and health care referrals to 100,000 infants, women, and children that are of age 5. All interested applicant must be certified by a professional health worker to be in some “nutritional risk”. Most importantly, those families who have 185% EPL guidelines are considered vulnerable, thereby given special consideration. Those individuals who qualified for TANF, SNAP/Food Stamps, and Medicaid/Oregon Health Plan are automatically eligible for the WIC program. Click here for more information.