Housing Assistance in Oregon
The State of Oregon has lots of natural beauties and is known as the heart of the green. Mostly summers are short, warm, and dry, but winters are cold and cloudy. Even though this state offers a wide variety of employment opportunities, some people may have economic difficulties like single mothers. There are several federal, non-profit, and local programs available for single moms. Let’s discover some of them.
Legal Aid Services of Oregon(LASO)
LASO is an active local legal support program in the State of Oregon. Its mission is to ensure every resident who needs legal support is equally represented in front of the law. LASO gives priority to single mothers. If you are a single mom and need legal assistance, you can apply to this organization. To learn more, please visit https://lasoregon.org/.
Oregon Operation Round-Up
This program was created and is funded by the People’s Energy Cooperative. It is a local community service that is intended to help low-income families with their utility bills. Although this program is mainly for utilities, it also offers rent and debt support depending on your economic situation. You can learn more at https://peoplesenergy.coop/operation-round-opt-out or dial 800 214 2694.
Oregon Public Utility Commission
This commission was formed by the General Assembly in 1987. The main goal of this organization is to make sure that every resident can access equal and low-cost phone service in Oregon. This commission has three telephones assistance programs that you can provide one of them. These are Oregon Lifeline, Telecommunication Devices Access Program (TDAP), and Oregon Relay (Dial 711).
Oregon Lifeline
It is sponsored by the federal and state authorities. This program provides a certain amount of discount for eligible families. You may have a $12,25 discount on your phone bill each month. In addition to this, you can receive a $16,25 discount on your broadband bill every month or free phone services. These benefits depend on your financial situation.
Telecommunication Devices Access Program (TDAP)
TDAP assists personal communication equipment for people who have a disability in vision, cognition, hearing, or speech. If you suffer any of these disabilities and you cannot afford the phone bills, it most likely that you will have the necessary equipment. The main criterion is to be a resident of Oregon.
To apply and learn more, please follow the link https://www.oregon.gov/puc/Pages/RSPF.aspx.
Community Development Corporations (CDCs)
Community Development Corporation of Oregon is a local housing organization. It provides affordable and safe houses for low and moderate-income families. CDCs have different options for everyone. You can look for affordable apartments, houses, or both of them. Since this is one of the well-known opportunities in Oregon, it is better to apply as soon as possible to avoid the waiting list. To apply, please go through the website https://cdcoregon.org/ or call 503 847 9163.
Oregon Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP in Oregon offers to help low or moderate-income residents with their energy bills. This program does not just present assistance with energy bills but also provides education about the effective use of energy and other weatherization services based on the total household income. The main criterion for LIHEAP is that your household income must be under 60 percent of state median revenue. Single mothers facing financial difficulties in paying their energy bills can apply for this program since it gives priority to them. To learn more, please visit https://www.oregon.gov/ohcs/energy-weatherization/pages/index.aspx.
Section 8- The Oregon Housing Choice Voucher Program
Those who need financial support for their rent payments or other utilities can apply for this benefit. If you can prove that you are in financial hardship, this program may pay some part of your rent by evaluating your financial situation. To learn more about eligibility criteria, please click the link https://www.oregon.gov/ohcs/housing-assistance/Pages/find-affordable-housing.aspx.
KLCAS Homeless Prevention in Oregon
Klamath and Lake Community Action Services is a local non-profit organization. It presents The Homeless Prevention Programs to fight against homelessness. The budget of KLCAS changes each year according to the funds. Hence, if you are looking for housing assistance, it would be wise to apply as quickly as possible. As a single mother, you may live in one of their shelters with your family. To get more information http://www.klcas.org/programs/rent-assist/#:~:text or dial 541 882 3500
Catholic Charities of Oregon
Catholic Charities presents a wide range of programs that include housing support, cash assistance, counseling, help with pregnancy, legal guidance, and much more. Some of these programs can be very useful for single mothers who are having serious financial difficulties. To find out more https://www.catholiccharitiesoregon.org/services/ or call their hot line 503 231 4866.
NeighborImpact – Central Oregon
NeighborImpact is a local non-governmental establishment that offers temporary housing, rent assistance, cash support for home repairment, energy assistance, and educational courses regarding forced eviction and maintaining a family. Single mothers who are planning to purchase their first home also can benefit from this community service. To learn more, please visit https://www.neighborimpact.org/ or dial 541 548 2380.
Fair Housing Council of Oregon (FHCO)
The Fair Housing Council of Oregon is a local civil rights establishment that serves across the county. The main aim of the FHCO is to make sure that everyone has equal access to housing. Single mothers who are afraid to lose their home or learn more about their housing rights can get in touch with this organization. You can read more at this link http://fhco.org/ or dial 800 424 3247.
Salvation Army Portland Metro
The Salvation Army aims to help low and moderate-income families with their financial and social problems. Its main base in Oregon is located in Portland. It promotes two important shelter programs for women. These are Female Emergency Shelter and Women’s & Children’s Shelter. Female Emergency Shelter aims to settle low-income women residents into a decent house. Women’s & Children’s Shelter can prioritize single mothers living with their children. If you need an emergency shelter to live with or without your children, you can apply for this organization. You can find out the nearest office to you via this link https://portland.salvationarmy.org/.