Best Cities for Single Mothers
Living as a single mother is hard enough. Raising your kids to have a shot at quality life is also difficult given the numerous obstacles facing single moms in America. Some of the challenges single mothers face include; housing, education, transport systems, job availability as well as the annual income of the available jobs. These are some of the key factors that determine the cities where a single mom would love to live in and raise her children. According to life insurance, Fabric, analysis of the United States Census Bureau statistics, here’s a list of some of the best cities for single mothers to live in even in 2020.
Ann Arbor, Michigan
With an average household annual income for single parents at $55,350, Ann Arbor is one of the top cities you should consider as a single mother. You stand a good chance to provide adequately for your kid as you earn more money. Also, the median yearly state child support costs $10,603. The amount you spend on child care is considerably less compared to other cities in the United States. Another key factor why you should consider living in Ann Arbor is the ease of commute. Check out to get more resources to help in your decision making.
East Lansing, Michigan
Living in East Lansing as a single mother is a great bargain for you and your child. The cities have great access routes which make commuting around the city easy. The below-average cost of living in the city is a great relief to you. With an average household annual earnings to the tune of $46,390, you have the opportunity to save and invest as you land a good job.
Austin-Round Rock, Texas
Austin-Round Rock is another option you should consider as a single mother who is concerned about living a quality lifestyle. The average household annual income for single parents is pegged at $48,500. With this amount and with a lot of professional finance tips and advice, you can comfortably raise your kids without constantly worrying about your needs. Movement around the city is fairly easy when compared to other cities in the united states. Be sure to check out Round Rock official website for other free resources that’ll help you make an informed decision.
Asheville, North Carolina
As a single mother who believes in the possibility of a bright future for your kid, be sure to check out this beautiful city as you make your choice of a new city to live in. Although the average household annual salary is pegged at $37,800 there are several reasons why you should consider Asheville. Unlike other cities in the states, the median annual child support amounts to just $9,254. You also benefit from the city’s low cost of living which is 7% below the national average. Visit the Asheville official website to learn more about this great city.
Little Rock, Arkansas
Just like Asheville city the average yearly income is $36,400. Although this isn’t great as it’s 2% below the national median income, you most certainly will make up for it in a number of ways. With the city’s cost of living which is 9% below the national average, you can save a whole lot more. You also save a lot in child care as the yearly median child care cost is $6,726. For more information about Little Rock, visit
Wichita, Kansas
Wichita is another good city you should consider as a single mother. You get the chance to spend less on daily living because the cost of living is a whopping 11% below the national average. The average amount spent by the state on child care is $10,955. You also save a lot of time in transit as the highest one-way commute time is 19 minutes. You have ample time to have a side hustle to support your family. Ensure you check out to learn more about Wichita.
Raleigh, North Carolina
Living in Raleigh North Carolina is an opportunity you should consider. There several pecks and opportunities available to you even as a single mother. With an average household annual income to the tune of $42,000 which is 13.2 percent above the national average, you can live a quality lifestyle with your kids. You also get the chance to save money in raising your kids as the average yearly child care cost is $9,254. Visit to get more information about Raleigh.
Omaha-Council Bluffs, Iowa
As a single mother living in Omaha-Council Bluffs, you stand a chance to live a quality lifestyle as the city’s average household annual income for single parents is $38,515. You also get a chance to save up money on the cost of living as the city’s cost of living is 7 percent below the national average. With the city’s highest one-way commute time pegged at 20 minutes, you save a lot of time on the road as well. This is considerably less when compared to the national average commute time. To learn more about Omaha-Council Bluffs, visit
Huntsville, Alabama
As a single mother who is considerably concerned about the cost of living, Huntsville in Alabama is a great choice you should consider. The city has an average household annual income for single parents is $35,000. This is higher than the average national income. You also get to save a whole lot more on raising your kids as the city’s average yearly state child care cost is $5,858. Be sure to visit to get more information about Huntsville.